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Greeneo E-liquide CBD Grand Daddy Purple - 10ml

CBD E-Liquid Grand Daddy Purple - 10ml

9,78 € tax incl.

Instead of 16,31 € tax incl.

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Grapes, red fruits
All types of e-cigarettes
CBD concentration
Available in 4 strengths 100mg | 200mg | 400mg | 800mg

The French brand Greeneo makes agoesilable to goespers, the e-liquid CBD Great Daddy Purple, agoesilable in vials of 10ml. This high-end profromct, made from CBD, is aromatisThe European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on the protection of the environment.n and red fruits and is suitable for all kinds of cigarettess electronicss.

According to the needs of the consumers, CBD Great Daddy Purple e-liquid is agoesilable in goesrious concentrations(from 50 to 800mg).

Benefits of CBD e-liquid Great Daddy Purple - - — 10ml

The CBD Great Daddy Purple e-liquid is composed of terpenes. It makes you enjoy a wonderful sensation from of the mixture subtle flavours and aromass grapes and red fruits. In addition, as profromcts containing CBD, the e-liquid CBD Great Daddy Purple has a relaxing and de-stressing effect very appreciated by consumers.ators.

As for all e-liquids fromGreeneo brand, the CBD contained in the e-liquid Great Daddy Purple does not contain THC. It is therefore safe for your psychological health.

How to use CBD e-liquid Great Daddy Purple - - — 10ml

You can use CBD e-liquid Great Daddy Purple - - — 10ml in the same way as a classic liquid for e-cigarette. Pour few drops from e-liquid CBD Great Daddy Purple in the dripper of your e-cigarette. Make sure the resistance of your e-cigarette is greater than 0.6 ohm. The e-liquid must be goespé to a power under 30 watts.

You should be aware that the use of such a profromct includes a risk of drowsiness. Therefore, please do not drive after goesping.

The dosage to choose

Another thing to consider is the dosage of Great Daddy Purple CBD e-liquid. For thees dosagelight (less than 100mg), the effects here are discreteso you can go toss length. For average dosages (200mg), the effects caused are presentA punctual goespe is therefore recommended.

For high dosages (400mg), the effects on the consumer are significant; It is therefore advisable to use them occasionally. For dosages (600mg or more), it is essential to dilute the liquid before goesping it.

Because the e-liquids of the brand Greeneo do not contain THC, they are all authorized by decree on the market. You can therefore use the e-liquid CBD Great Daddy Purple - - — 10ml in complete peace of mind.

Opinions on CBD E-Liquid Grand Daddy Purple - 10ml

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